About Us

Bio Carbon for a sustainable future.  Powered by life.

Our Goal

Terra Preta Organics is focused on bio carbon production and technology.  Our goal is to be the primary producer of bio carbon for all industries and help mitigate climate change through commercial and charitable projects focused on sustainable agriculture and land restoration.

By Utilizing waste biomass from timber and agriculture, we create quality bio carbon products on an industrial scale.  Our process is low energy and carbon negative.  The production of our bio carbon from waste biomass sequesters CO2 and prevents emissions of methane and other harmful greenhouse gases generated during decay.  Furthermore, when we remove forest waste for processing, we reduce the available fuel for the devastating forest fires that have become prevalent throughout North America and the rest of the world.  We have licensed patents and technological support for the industry’s highest capacity and most efficient production process.

 We are seeking to build and operate plants in North America, Europe, Africa, and South America.  We provide the opportunity to invest in a lucrative business that has unlimited growth potential and will help save the environment from the devastating effects of global warming.  Our products profoundly reduce pollution and CO2 emissions, while also being economically viable in the marketplace.  

Our Products

We manufacture Bio Coal, Bio Char, Terra Preta, and activated Charcoal in each facility, customized to client and use specifications.  The potential applications of these products are far reaching.  Bio Carbon can be used in dozens of industries in different forms and can help restore arable land and increase global biomass organically. 

Our patented Terra Preta Mix will revolutionize agriculture, reforestation efforts, and water conservation by increasing water retention of soils, promoting microbial activity, and eliminating the need for chemical fertilizers that pollute our soil and groundwater. 

Our bio coal is carbon neutral and can be used as a partial or full replacement for fossil coal, has far lower ash content, and is renewable.  Same BTU and grindability as fossil coal without the added storage and transportation costs of wood pellets.

Biochar can be used in containment, agriculture, steel manufacture, and cement manufacturing.  Cost competitive with fossil metallurgic coal.

Finally activated charcoal is used in dozens of industries from water and air filtration, to food, medicine, construction, manufacturing, electronics, and cosmetics.

Environmental Benefits

Positive impact climate change by reducing CO2 emissions from coal power plants, decaying biomass, and forest fires. 

Each Bio Carbon plant will be able to produce over 350,000 tons of bio carbon per year, sequestering 2.2-3.6 tons of CO2 for each ton of bio carbon produced. (end use dependent)

Reduced ash pollution,  Bio coal 0.7% ash content versus 15-18% in fossil coal.

Increased global biomass absorption through increased biomass area and agricultural production from the use of biochar. 

Reduced agricultural pollution through reduction of chemical fertilizer use and increased contaminant absorption.   

Conservation of water by increasing water retention in soils, reducing need for irrigation.

Reduced land degradation and deforestation.  Restoring soils and arable land lessens the need for clearing of forests for agriculture. 

Increased survival rates and effectiveness of reforestation efforts and agroforestry.

Restoration of the balance of flora and fauna to a sustainable symbiotic relationship of photosynthesis and respiration. 

By creating a viable and cost competitive alternative solution for fossil coal, metallurgic fossil coal, and chemical fertilizer we can use principles proven by our ancestors, combined with modern technology and innovation, to solve the most pressing issue the planet faces.

Terra Preta Organics

Bio Carbon for a better future.  Carbon is the building block of life, and life the building block of our bio carbon.



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