Blockchain, Tokenisation, and Crypto Development

Terra Preta Organics is developing a range of blockchain and cryptocurrency related projects that are connected to our business model and mission.  

First stage involves tokenisation of our bio carbon production and the associated carbon credits and allowances.  This will allow for transparancy and optimise logistics.  Furthermore, creating a structure for smart contracts and to facilitate trade.

After we are in production and have tokenised our own products, we will look to develop an asset-backed crypto commodity exchange and project platform.  This will allow other carbon and climate friendly companies to list their  products and credits as well as connect a global project network that token holders can donate to, or set up token farming for the develpment of new businesses.

Why Tokenise Bio Carbon?


The greatest issue facing most climate solutions is being able to quantify and measure impact.  While many solutions do offer promise and collectively make an impact very few can be measured and tracked in relation to a commodity asset. 

All Terra Preta Organics products will be eligible for carbon offset credits in the voluntary carbon markets as well as be ERU eligible on the regulated carbon markets.  The carbon negative production process means that we re sequestering between 2.2 tons -3.5 tons of co2 for each ton of bio carbon produced.  Furthermore, as we are creating products for the global market, tokenisation allows for cross border purchases without constant fiat currency fluctuations and ability to use smart contracts for pre orders and fundraising.   

As our focus longterm is to transition and grow our soil products and pollution control division, we see tokenisation as an integral way to open ESG and charity opportunities with blockchain accountability.  By tokenising our Terra Preta mix and biochar we will be able to scale to terraforming the planet and combat climate change from the ground level.  Selling and donating valuable soil carbon to soil restoraction/reclamation projects, reforestation, agroforestry, regenerative and sustainable agriculture around the world.  Carbon credits and the products themselves providing an asset backed token that can be staked, donated, held, used, or traded.

Terra Preta Organics

Bio carbon for a better planet.


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