Renewable Bio Carbon Products

Our Products

Our Bio Carbon is produced from waste biomass and can be customized to client specification.  With years or development and testing we strive to provide the industries best quality product and have consistent supply for decades to come.  All products produced on industrial scale and available by ton.  For large scale soil restoration or power generation supply (over 500k tons per yr), dedicated production plants can be constucted or licensed to guarantee supply and fufilment.  Currently there is a waiting list for product while additional facilities are built to take on new clients.  

Bio Coal

Our bio coal is carbon neutral and can be used as a full or partial replacement for fossil coal in coal fired power plants.  Having the same BTU value (22-26Gj) and able to be ground along with fossil coal.No changes in infrastructure and with far lower ash content ( 0.8% vs 12-15%).  Bio coal is far better bio fuel alternative than wood pellets that have higher storage and transportation costs due to fire risk.  Our ability to directly mix bio coal with fossil coal transports also reduces logistics cost.  Each ton of bio coal sequesters 2.2 tons of co2 and prevents methane and so2 emissions from the biomass used in the process.  Subsidies and incentives are in place in some countries in order to help reach targets set forth by the Paris Accord. With 35% of worlds energy coming from coal we cannot switch off coal power overnight, Bio coal can be the gap solution for coal burning nations (china, india, korea) to transition to renewable energy and reduce emissions.



 Biochar can be controlled to satisfy the requirements of various environmentally friendly products that are required to remediate air, water, and soil degradationcaused by human activity.  The biochar can absorb contanimnants in waste water, aid in water retention, and provide microbial habitat in soils.  It is used in waste water treatment, containment lining, treatment of water from fracking and selenium contaminated water from coal mining.  Furthermore, biochar has the ability to be used in agriculture and a number of industries once activated.


Super Terra Preta Organic Mix

Our patented Super Terra Mix is a patented organic fertilizer with a biochar component.  This product is intended to be used in agriculture, agroforestry, reforestation, soil restoration and as a climate change remedy.  When the bio carbon is applied to soils, it sequesters the CO2 for long periods of time while also boosting biomass absorption of the area.  By retaining water,absorbing pollution, boosting microbial activity, this mix can restore degraded and arid areas to agricultural production.  Biochar mixes and Terra Preta like solutions have never been produced to scale to be cost competitive with chemical fertilisers.  With our patented technology and product we are able to produce at scale and can compete with the harmful chemical fertilisers.  Super Terra Preta will reduce pollution, increase land productivity, improve food safety, and drastically improve reforestation and soil restoration efforts around the globe.


Activated Charcoal

Used in dozens of industries and a wide range of products from air and water filtration, construction, electronics, paint, cosmetics, food, textiles, to medicine.  Our activated charcoal is carbon negative and customizable for client end use.


License and franchise opportunities

In order to maximize our impact on climate change and to speed up the transition to renewable energy, we have technology license options for companies to operate our plants in their own region.  These license options include technological support, operator training, contracts for product, plant design and construction oversight.  Remote monitoring can also be included for an additional fee.  If you are interested in license opportunities or partnerships please contact us for more details.

Terra Preta Organics

Premium bio carbon products, customizable for end use specifications.  Built for life, from life.


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